International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and SolidsJuly 25‒31, 2018QFS2018 Tokyo

Best Poster Award at QFS2018

The Best Poster Awards of QFS2018 were won by the following six outstanding poster presentations. The certificates and supplemental prizes were given to the awardees during the closing session on July 31 (Tue) from the chair of the Poster Award Committee.

Stefan Forstner (P28.10)
Real-time monitoring of vortex dynamics in a superfluid helium thin film
Timo T. Kamppinen (P30.10)
Nanomechanical probes of the quantum fluids with single-vortex sensitivity
Jui-Yin Lin (P27.5)
Experiments on ac Driven Wigner Solid on Liquid Helium Confined in a Microchannel and Subjected to an External Periodic Potential
Man D. Nguyen (P30.5)
The Polar-phase of Superfluid 3He Stabilized in Anisotropic Silica Aerogel
Jaakko Nissinen (P26.29)
Phase transition from Weyl to node-line superfluid: Antispacetime and novel effective electrodynamics
Joshua J. Wiman (P26.16)
Is Superfluid 3He-A the Precursor to Magnetically Ordered Solid 3He?