International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and SolidsJuly 25‒31, 2018QFS2018 Tokyo


The QFS series started forty-three years ago making it one of the oldest series of international conferences in the field of low temperature physics (history). It has historically been focusing on physics of liquid and solid helium and hydrogen. But in this century its scope is expanding widely from laser cooled cold atoms to topological matters. At QFS2018 in Tokyo, we would like to continue this trend and emphasize even more interdisciplinary aspects between the traditional subjects and those in broader physical systems. Representative topics in QFS2018 are:

  • Quantum fluids, solids, and gases
  • Unconventional/topological superfluids and superconductors
  • Strongly correlated quantum matters
  • Quantum turbulence
  • Quantum spin liquids
  • Quantum phase transitions and criticality
  • Novel low temperature techniques

QFS2018, which is financially supported by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), supports the two IUPAP policy statements, i.e., Free Circulation of Scientists and Harassment at Conferences.